Linear Fields
The Linear-shaped field is designed to control values
X/Y/Z Axis Menu – The axis along which the impact occurs. It is important that only 1 can be selected. Priority is X, then Y, and then Z.
Point/Geometry Domain Menu – Point and geometry domain. Effects on points or geometry. Points are also used for instances, for other cases, domain interpolation (Evaluate on Domain) is required.
Object – Object for field control
Random field – A random field for connection, random, noise or attributes.
Weight – strength of the random field effect. Where 1 is the total impact.
Limited – This option allows you to limit the impact by width.
Distance – Additional offset distances
Scale – Additional offset scale
Map range – Remaps a value
The Colorramp or Float Curve is used to add softness or contrast to the values. You can also set different behaviors such as bounces