Roll Bend

Deforms the geometry into a roll


All parameters work on a variety of geometries. But instances are also allowed. He will transfer them to the polygons himself.

Factor – The roll factor is from 0 to 1. But in some cases it may be required from a value beyond these limits. For example, when you turned the angle of rotation.
Rotate Center – The height of the twisting point. A negative value will mean turning in the other direction. At 0, there will be no folding.
Addittion TwistingSets an additional rotation along the Z and Y axis When you want to create a roll.
Blur– Blurs the value of an additional twist for a smoother result
Rotate Bend Sets the folding angle.
Random Min/Max – A random angle if used on a variety of geometries.

Additional settings
Multiply Rotate – it is used to increase the number of turns
Axis rotation angle

How to use
Motion Node Roll Bend 1