
In this tutorial, I want to show you an amazing animation technique. It is based on comparing the values of the same parameter, initial and final. In this case, this is the size of the island, but it can be any attribute, position, rotation, etc.

I use the ged data node to find out the size of the polygon, and the random node to control point compression. At the end of the lesson, you may notice that when I turn on node partitioning, random stops working. This is because the polygons do not have enough points, this is corrected by additional sudivider mesh, after the face subdivider node.

I also showed you how to make sequential animations based on the index and fields.

A simpler version. If in the video I focused on the size of the polygons and calculated the effect due to this. It‘s enough to use any field here. But there is still a difference in animations, in the original the animation affects every point.