The free version. If you decide to try my set of nodes. In my experience, they cover up to 50% of all tasks in motion design. I rarely have a project where I don’t use fields or a linear cloner.
Basic version. The set includes almost all existing nodes, and it seems to me that it already covers most of the daily routine tasks in motion design.
Subscription version. Includes all nodes and example files.
- Node List:
- Linear Fields
- Spherical Fields
- Box Fields
- Curve Fields
- Align Object
- Linear Cloner
- Hex Grid Cloner
- Time Offset
- Node List:
- Curve Deformer
- PolyFx
- Roll Bend
- Shrink
- Wave Deformer
- Box Fields
- Sphere Fields
- Linear Fields
- Factor Fields
- Curve Fields
- Object Fields
- Curve Cloner
- Object Cloner
- Grid Cloner
- Linear Cloner
- Radial Cloner
- Cube Subdivider
- Face Subdivider
- Recursive Subdivider
- Hex Grid
- Gridder
- Plexus
- Object Ramp
- Camera Culling
- Select Outside
- Select Edge
- Select Normal
- Select Pieces
- Grow Selection
- Find Nearest
- Tracer
- Curl Noise
- Delay
- Align Object
- Look At
- Geometry to Point
- Time Offset
- Get Data
- Viewport Resolution
- Curve UV Unwrap
- Simple UV
- Along A curve
- Profile Curve
- Trim Loop
- Push Fields
- Infection
- Curve Offset
- Button Primitive
- Capsule Primitive
- Ring Primitive
- Mobius Primitive
- Texture Atlas
- Gear Cylinder Primitive (beta)
- Rolling (beta)
- Example files
- Grunge (Material Node)
- Blur Shader (Material Node)
- Tile Texture (Material Node)
- Curvature (Material Node)
- Glass Dispersion (Material Node)
- Light Control (Light Node)